Expectations and Behavioral Policies

Expectations and Behavioral Policies


            You are expected to attend class, and be on time.  Attendance will be a part of your grade.  If you are late you should have a pass.  If you are tardy, without a pass, three times you will have to stay after school.

            You will be expected to complete all your assignments in a timely manner.  All assignments not completed by the specified due date will have five points deducted for every day that they are late.

            You are expected to read in class, and listen while your classmates are reading.  At times you will be working in groups and should be able to work well with your class.

            I expect you to follow my classroom rules, which are:

                                    1). Be Respectful (each other, yourself, school property)

                                    2). Be Responsible (do your work, come to class prepared and on


            These rules are non-negotiable.  On the first day of class we will also create more classroom rules that will be voted on by the class.  In this way the students will “own” a part of the classroom environment.  All rules must be approved by me.

            When students are not following the rules the will be given one reminder/warning, after that if the infraction is repeated they may be asked to stay after class, stay after school, or got to the principal’s office depending on the severity of the action.